Finland outplays Germany for their first victory – 03.12.2016

Finland faced-off against Germany, demonstrating that the Finns are still a floorball powerhouse being in full control of the game from the start to finish.

Second match of the day was held between Germany and Finland. Not much action until 5:35 into the game when Finland finally broke German´s defence and made it 1-0. One sided game kept being played on Germany´s side of the court as Finland just kept passing and searching for chances, not giving their own goalkeeper a shot of some action. Close to the middle of the first period, the Finns cracked the German goalkeeper for the second time, making it 2-0. Finland had no business stopping and by the end of the first period, the score was 0-5.

The second period began in the same fashion with Finland outplaying their opponent, but Germany somehow managed to sneak one in the back of Finland´s net. Later on Germans managed to pull off a breakaway, in an attempt to beat the Finnish goalkeeper but the ball stopped right behind the goalkeeper just before the goal line. The Finnish defender was quick to recover the ball and keep his net safe. 8:12 into the second period a German player Julian Nihlen got hurt and had to be attended by the team´s medical staff and was removed from the game immediately. The Finnish team ended the second period with 6 goals to Germany´s single goal.

Same old story in the third period which showed absolute dominance by Team Finland, 2:09 into the 3rd period they scored their 7th goal of the game extending their lead further. 6:32 into the third period, another German appeared to be hurt as he fell down grabbing his stomach. The team´s staff was quick to react and got him over the boards and onto a stretcher. Mid period Finland create a cross-crease chance that Joonas Pylsy managed to cash in to make it 1-8. Towards the end of the game, the Finns had a chance on a power play which was beautifully executed and added a couple more to win the game with a score 1-12.