International Floorball Federation - IFF PiL 10.02.2003
Office work load and development
Proposal to ExCo 25.2.2003
                                  Work tasks   Time allocation Comments
General secretary Marketing Director SK AW  
Administration Mail and e-mail, telephone, copying Telephone 15 5 Probably more time needed to service
Appel Committee Letters and contacts to parties - 0 0 Ok, need based
CB Administration Arrangin meetings, documents, flights, attedening meetings Attending meetings 7 5 Could be made more efficient, input from members
Development board Letters and contacts to parties, minutes, Attending meetings 2 2 Ok, will need more attention due to manufacturer activity
Disiplinary Committee Letters and contacts to parties - 0 0 Ok, need based
EDC - Letters and contacts to parties, practical matters, Education material preparation, preparation for seminars 0 20 Will take more time in the future
Finance Book-keeping, payments, invoicing, reporting, budgeting, contact to bank and auditors - 10 0 Could be outsourced on the administration, the control should stay in-house
Marketing and Information Information to CB, member federations, participating countries, GAISF and the Internet IFF Newspaper, Marketing: finding sponsors, sponsor management 7 22 We should focus on this both externally and internally
Material Contact to SP, SP Administration, Internet, Contact to Liljelund Development part program 5 5 Will grow in the future
RACC Invitations, regulation work, contact to Orlando, administration, technical meetings Competition responsibility connected to Marketing 15 5 Need to clarify tasks and procedures
RC Web update Administration referee nominations, committee work, follow-up 0 10 Shouldn't take as much time in the future. Need to build procedures
Statues Re-work and update - 3 0 Differs form year to year
Competitions Adminstration of the teams, technical meetings, participation, contact to the organiser, web-update Contact to the organiser in referee and marketing issues, technical meetings and participation 24 20 Quite a lot of administration.
Transferes Adminsistration, telephone contacts Telephone 5 2 Only administration.
International co-operation Contacts to GAISF, IWGA and FISU - 3 0 Not spent enough time on this? Need for more official contacts.
ExCo Administration Administration  4 4 Ok
Other issues          
Solution: 100 100
1) Detailed task-list per working topic 3) Building timetables (internal and external) and keeping them What to do with the gained time:
2) We should outsource the purly technical administration - Travel arangements - Internal information and service
    - Finance, Copying and letters and transfers - Materials and documents - To speed up international contacts/activity
    - How much can we invest?