Central Board


Place: Hotel Forum, Prague, Czech Republic

Eriksson, Tomas President
Jansson, Per
Jonsson, Tomas
Kauppinen, Risto
Liljelund, John
Lillepalu, Ain
Lindström, Peter
Vaculik, Martin
Kratz, Stefan Secretary General

Mukkala, Pekka Vice President

§ 1 Opening of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson opened the meeting at 10.00 on Wednesday 27th of May.

§ 2 Secretary of the meeting
Mr. Kratz was chosen secretary of the meeting.

§ 3 Approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved with some alterations and completions.

§ 4 Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes from the CB meeting 18.04 1998 was scrutinized and put ad acta.

§ 5 Economy (enclosure 1-2)
a) Financial report 30.04 1998
Mr. Liljelund presented the financial report of 30.04 1998.

b) Claims 19.05 1998
Mr. Liljelund presented the claims of 19.05 1998.

§ 6 Floorball in other organisations
Mr. Kauppinen reported on a meeting with other organisations that plays floorball that he has attended.

The CB decided to put forward to Mr. Kauppinen to investigate the matter further and to propose a strategy for IFF.

§ 7 Main-sponsor
Mr. Lindström presented a proposal for further discussions on a contract with a main-sponsor.

The CB decided to approve the proposal as a guide-line for the negotiations.

§ 8 Letter from Magyar Palanklabda Szövetseg (enclosure 3)
The CB noted that a letter from Magyar Palanklabda Szövetseg has arrived.

§ 9 Referee Observer payment (enclosure 4)
Werner Schlossmacher has handed in a proposal on Referee Observer payments.

The CB decided reject the proposal but to investigate the matter for the future.

§ 10 IFF Standard No 2
The CB decided to present to Pekka Mukkala IFF Standard No 2 for his time of service within IFF.

§ 11 IFF Congress
a) Practical matters
The CB noted that there are still to few nominations for both the Appeal Committee as well as the Juridical Committee

If there are no further nominations at the Congress, the Congress will be asked to put forward to the CB to appoint the members. It can not be the same persons in both Committees.

§ 12 Next meeting
The CB decided to prepare for a meeting for the next CB on Friday 29.05 starting 09.30 at Hotel Forum.

§ 13 Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked the CB for the work during the last two years and closed the meeting at 14.00.