Central Board


Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finland

Eriksson, Tomas, President
Liljelund, John, Vice President
Gilardi, Thomas
Jansson, Per
Jonsson, Tomas, Treasurer
Kauppinen, Risto
Lillepalu, Ain

Lindström, Peter
Vaculik, Martin
Orlando, Renato, RACC Chairman  
Seiler, Karl-Heinz, RC Chairman
Kratz, Stefan, Secretary General
Wester, Axel, Marketing Director         

Sinnakaruppan, Ramasamy

§   1 Opening of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson greeted the participants welcome and declared the meeting opened at 10:00.

§   2 Approval of the agenda
The agenda was scrutinized, completed and approved.

§   3 Minutes from last meeting 
The minutes from the last meeting, January 4, 2002, was scrutinized, approved and put ad acta.

§   4 Economy
a) Prel. financial report 31.03.2002 (enclosure 1)
Mr. Jonsson presented the preliminary financial report per 31.03.2002, which today shows a surplus for 
the three first months of +68.489 CHF, including extraordinary incomes of 15.000 CHF which are not in budget.

b) Information on debts in general to IFF – status April 12th 2002 (enclosure 2)
Mr. Jonsson reported on debts to IFF per 12.04.2002. The job done by the IFF administration, based on 
mutual exchange of information with the associations, has been fruitful and toady the total claims 
are 11.584 CHF.

The CB decided to approve the report.

§   5 World Championships
a) WFC 2002 report from SSBL (enclosure 3)
Mr. Liljelund reported on the status of the WFC 2002 organization.

Specific information regarding accreditations and possibilities to move in the arena was given. 
Basically the organization runs smoothly although financially costly. The transportation is still to be fixed.
Mr. Liljelund initiated a discussion regarding the increasing number of referee management during WFC’s.

The organizer has proposed to move the 5th place match to be played in the B-venue 25.05 at 08.30.

The CB decided to approve the report and to move the 5th place match according to the proposal. The CB further decided to put forward to Mr. Orlando to prepare a task and responsibility list – IFF/organizer – to avoid possible double work.

b) WFC 2003 & 2004
Mr. Liljelund reported that negotiations regarding WFC 2003 and 2004 are going on and that contracts are scheduled to be signed in May 2002. The contract between IFF and SUHV concerning the WFC 2003 women will be signed at the next CB Meeting and the contract for the WFC 2004 for men to be signed after the WFC 2002 in Finland once the playing system has been decided upon.

The CB decided to approve the report

c) Men’s U19 WFC 2003
Mr. Eriksson reported that he, together with Mr. Liljelund has had negotiations with the Czech Floorball Union (CFBU) and that a principal agreement has been reached.

The CB decided to grant the Men’s U19 WFC 2003 to CFBU to organize.

d) Women’s WFC 2005 (enclosure 4)
Mr. Eriksson reported on meetings with Singapore Floorball Association (SFA), Singapore Sports Council and Singapore Tourist Board held in Singapore in March 2002. The CB concluded that at the last Presidential Meeting, held in Riga May 2001, the issue of playing outside Europe was thoroughly discussed by the present 13 associations. To be a world sport the CB stated that floorball has to be played on all continents, so also all IFF events.

The CB decided to grant the Women’s WFC 2005 to the SFA to organize.

e) Letters of interest and plans for organizers 2002–2008 (enclosure 5-7)
Mr. Kratz reported that further letters of interest to organize IFF events have arrived - Latvia to organize the Men’s U19 WFC 2005, Sweden to organize the Men’s WFC 2006, and earlier the Czech Republic has sent a letter of interest to organize the Men´s WFC 2008.

The decision on WFC 2006 will either be taken at the CB May 2002 or September 2002 meeting.

The CB decided to approve the report

§   6 European Cups 
a) EC Final round January 2003 
Mr. Eriksson reported that he has had negotiations with CFBU regarding organizing the European Cup Final round in January 2003 and that a principal agreement has been reached. Preliminary dates are 9-12.01.2003.

The CB decided to grant the European Cup Final round in January 2003 to CFBU to organize and to put forward to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Liljelund to fix the dates together with CFBU.

b) EC qualification rounds in August 2003, 2004
Mr. Eriksson reported that he has had negotiations with CFBU regarding organizing the European Cup Qualification rounds for 2003 and 2004 and that a principal agreement has been reached and that the contract will be signed in May 2002.

The CB decided to grant the European Cup Qualification rounds for 2003 and 2004 to CFBU to organize.

c) Information on EC Final round January 2004
Mr. Orlando informed that the German Floorball Association is interested to organize the EC Final round in January 2004 and that further discussions will take place during the Men’s WFC 2002.

d) EC Final round January 2005
The CB decided to grant the European Cup Final round in January 2005 to SUHV to organize and to put forward to Mr. Liljelund to negotiate the contract with SUHV.

§   7 Reports
Mr. Orlando initiated a discussion on how the WFC should be organized in the future.

Should there be Qualification rounds? A-, B-, and C-division? Organized together or separately? 
8 or 10 teams per division?

The CB decided to put forward to Mr. Orlando to make a proposal based on the discussions.

b) RC
Mr. Seiler reported on the RC preparations for the WFC 2002. Mr Seiler reported that the tasks for the RC are to appoint referees to all matches, observe as many matches as the resources can carry. Mr Seiler will be referee supervisor and SSBL and SUHV have already granted the IFF RC extra resources, free of charge, for additional referee observations. RC will assist the EDC in the Asia referee seminar where Australia, Malaysia, Japan and Singapore have been invited.

The CB decided to approve the report.

c) EDC
Mr. Gilardi informed that EDC in co-operation with RC is organizing a referee development education for Asia during the WFC 2002.

The CB decided to approve the report.

d) DC
The CB notes that the Disciplinary Committee has not made any decisions in the two cases Outlaws FFK and Helsingfors IFK from EC January 2002. The RACC filed a report to the DC in January 14, 2002 concerning incidents at the European Cup in Sweden. Although that over three months have passed the DC has not made any decision. A discussion followed concerning the IFF Juridical regulations.

The CB decided to revoke the cases from the DC and to put forward to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Liljelund to, on behalf of the CB of IFF, decide in these two cases in accordance with the Juridical Regulations of IFF.

e) MC (enclosure 8)
Mr. Liljelund reported on the meeting he had with FESI in Brussels 08.02.2002.

Mr. Liljelund further reported that the three cases concerning breaches of the Material Regulations are all settled and that the new version of the Material Regulations, to be proposed to the Congress 2002 to decide, is under scrutiny.

The CB decided to approve the report and to put forward to Mr. Eriksson, Mr. Liljelund and Mr. Kratz to finalize the proposal of a new version of the Material Regulations to be decided by the Congress 2002.

f) MIC (enclosure 9)
Mr. Lindström and Mr. Wester reported on the IFF advertising rights during WFC 2002 and on 
the negotiations with Gerflor, which are to be continued on June 5, 2002.

Further it was reported that the contract with Salming is under re-negotiation. The Salming contract expires on June 30, 2003.

The flyer “The world of Floorball” is planned to be translated to German to be ready until WFC 2002.

Finally Mr. Lindström informed that representatives of Eurosport will be invited to WFC 2002.

The CB decided to approve the report.

§   8 Member Associations
a) India – application of membership (enclosure 10)
The Floorball Federation of India (FFI) has applied for membership of IFF.

The application has been scrutinized by Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Kratz who proposes that FFI shall be granted provisional membership.

The CB decided to grant Floorball Federation of India provisional membership as member 29.

b) Armenia – info on application of membership (enclosure 11)
Armenian Floorball and Unihockey Association has applied for membership.

The CB noted that the application has arrived and decided to put forward to Mr. Kratz to further investigate the application for a possible submission to the next CB meeting.

c) Japan – information (enclosure 12)
Mr. Liljelund reported that Japan Floorball Council has replied according to plan regarding settling the situation for floorball in Japan.

Basically a new Association will be established by the floorball departments of the two organizations JFF and JUA, after having been separated from JFF respectively JUA.

CB notices the development with satisfaction and decided to approve the report.

§   9 Workshop
a) Proposals for the Congress
The CB discussed proposals to be put forward to the Congress 2002 to decide.

 The CB decided to propose to the Congress to decide about:

- IFF Vision

- Changes and additions in the Statutes concerning Committees, provisional membership,                        composition of the CB

- Membership fee

b) Proposals for the CB
In order to increase the efficiency and for the purpose to give better support to committees and associations the CB is of the opinion that there is a need of more staff in the IFF office.

The CB decided to plan for two full time employees, and to look into a better internal organisation for increased efficiency from July 1st, 2002 and if there is a Congress decision for raising of funds, carry out a plan for additional extra staff from January 1st, 2003.

In order to increase the self-finance of IFF and to cover increased costs for the IFF Competitions the CB discussed about raising the participation fees.

The CB decided to change the financial regulations as follows:
- World Championships participation fees raised to A-Division 4.000 CHF and B- Division 2.000 CHF. 
- European Cup participation fees raised to 1.000 CHF.

§ 10 IFF Congress in Helsinki May 24, 2002
a) Proposals from the member Associations (enclosure 13)
The CB noted that proposals from member Associations have arrived from the Swiss Floorball Association (SUHV).

SUHV has proposed to the Congress to decide that only officials from ordinary members can be elected to CB.

The IFF CB decided to be in favour of the proposal.

SUHV has proposed to the Congress to decide that all member Associations (both ordinary and provisional) shall have voting right at the Congress.

The IFF CB decided to be against the proposal since this would counteract to the general idea of urging provisional members to become ordinary members.

SUHV has proposed to the Congress to decide that only one person per national Association could be elected as CB member.

Since the CB has made the same proposal to the Congress to decide the Swiss proposal was withdrawn.

b) Nominations for IFF President and CB Members and AC and DC (enclosure 14)
The CB notices that nominations for IFF President, CB Members, Appeal Committee and Disciplinary Committee have arrived according to enclosure 13.

The CB further notices that there are totally two vacancies for AC and DC.

The CB proposes to the Congress to re-elect Mikael Brandstam as auditor.

c) Annual Report 2000-2002
The CB decided to put forward to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Kratz to collocate and finalize the Annual Report 2000-2002.

d) Financial reports 2000 & 2001 (enclosures15-18)
The CB decided to put forward the Financial Reports for 2000 and 2001 to the Congress for approval.

e) Auditor’s report (enclosure 19-20)
The CB decided to put forward the Auditor’s Reports for 2000 and 2001 to the Congress for approval.

f) Proposed Vision of IFF  to Congress
The CB proposes the Congress to decide that the IFF vision shall be:

“To become the true efficient governing body of a internationally recognised sport, played on five continents with over 50 members before year 2012 and have participated in one or more international multi-sport events (IWGA - World Games, FISU - Universiade). To be recognised by the IOC before the year 2006 and to be an Olympic sport before year 2020.”

g) Membership fee
The membership fee has been the same since the Congress 1992. In order to increase the self-financing
of IFF the CB is of the opinion that a raise of the fee is needed.

The CB proposes the Congress to decide to raise the basic fee from 1.000 CHF to 2.000 CHF starting January 1st, 2003.

h) Proposed changes of statutes for IFF
The CB proposes to the Congress to decide about the following changes in the Statutes:

Article 34.2 The Bodies of the Central Board are:

The system for approval of floorball equipment has been in full force since 01.05.1999. 
The CB has come to the conclusion that the handling of material issues is more of a function than a work of a Committee. Due to this the CB is of the opinion that there is no need of a separate committee to handle the material issues.  

The CB therefore proposes the Congress to decide to delete point f) Material Committee (MC) and to put forward to the IFF CB to make the editorial changes that follows on the decision.

Article 13.4: Change provisional membership from two year cycles to four year cycles

The IFF has two kinds of memberships for Associations – provisional membership and ordinary membership.
The last years has showed that the development required to change status from provisional to ordinary member is a process that requires a longer time than assumed in the statutes. Due to this the CB is of the opinion that there is a need to change the statutes in that respect.

The CB proposes the Congress to decide to change the provisional membership from two year cycles to four year cycles by changing article 13.4 to be “The provisional membership has to be recalled by the CB every four years. Otherwise it gets lost.”


Article 23.2: Change provisional membership fee

The IFF has, this far, in many aspects treated a provisional member equal to an ordinary member i.e. by inviting also provisional members to participate in the IFF competitions. This might have led to a situation where striving for an ordinary membership of IFF has had a low priority.

To implement a certain amount of pressure for the provisional members to fasten the process to become ordinary members the CB opinion is that the size of the membership fee could be one way to go.

The CB proposes the Congress to change the membership fee for provisional members concerning the Associations having been provisional members for four years by adding the following text to article 23.2: “After four years as a provisional member an ordinary members full fee shall be paid regardless of having applied for ordinary membership or not.

Article 35.1: Change the composition of the Central Board 

The CB proposes the Congress to decide to change the composition of the Central Board from the Congress 2006 by changing article 35.1 to be:
“The CB, elected by the Congress, shall consist of a President and six members. Not more than one person per Nation may be elected as member of the Central Board. In case of a draw in a CB voting the President’s vote is decisive.”

i) Material Regulations
The valid version of the Material Regulations was decided by the Congress 1998. Since then a lot of experiences has been made and the requirements from both players and manufacturers has developed.

In co-operation with the Swedish Testing and Research Institute – SP and the manufacturers of floorball equipment a new version of the Material Regulations has been worked out.

The CB proposes the Congress to approve the Material Regulations Edition 2002 to be in force from 01.07.2002.

j) Plan of Action 2002-2004
The CB decided to put forward to Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Kratz to collocate and finalize the Plan of Action for 2002-2004.

k) Budget 2003-2004 (enclosure 21)
Mr. Jonsson presented the budget proposals for 2003, showing a profit of 16000 CHF, and 2004, showing a profit of 25000 CHF.

The CB decided to put forward the budget proposals for 2003 and 2004 to the Congress for approval.

l) Status of right to participate and right to vote at the IFF Congress
The report on the debts to IFF per 12.04.2002 gave at hand that the Latvian Floorball Union (LFU) and the Hungarian Floorball Federation (HFF) have large debts, from the years 2000 and 2001 to IFF.

The CB decided that the respective debt must be settled latest 30.04 otherwise the participation in the Congress will be just as observers.

The CB further decided that Associations with debts to IFF by 30.06 will not be eligible for participation in the IFF competitions (World Championships, U19 World Championships, European Cup).

m) Other issues
The CB concludes that, besides the ordinary topics, the following will be included in the Congress programme:

Information of the Women’s World Championships 2003 – SUHV
Information of the Men’s U19 World Championships 2003 – CFBU
Information of the Women’s World Championships 2005 – SFA
Information from Interactive Media Partners

§ 11 Next CB meetings and other meetings
The next CB meetings, during the WFC 2002, will be held 23.05.2002 10.00-13.00, and 25.05.2002 09.00-11.00 (for the newly elected CB) in the Hartwall Areena.

Preliminary next meeting with IFF CB will be in Prague in August 30 until September 1, 2002.

Mr. Eriksson informed that the next GAISF Congress has been moved from Monte Carlo to Colorado Springs, USA, to be held November 21-24, 2002.

§ 12 Closing of the meeting
Mr. Eriksson thanked the participants for a prosperous meeting and closed it at 18.15.